Anna Hazare: A Sangh mole as a diversion in the farmers' struggle?

Anna Hazare has joined the farmers who are struggling to repeal the contentious farm laws and this has called into question the inentions of the activist
Anna Hazare: A Sangh mole as a diversion in the farmers' struggle?

After years of deep slumber, Anna Hazare woke up today to lend support for farmers' cause, asking farmers to agitate all over the nation against the farm bills. With the Narendra Modi govt and BJP clearly sensing that the agitating farmers are walking away with their demands, they would like to attribute the success to an RSS man.

Further, Anna Hazare protesting will take away the limelight from farmers, and the focus will shift towards him. Farmers are of the firm opinion that no political parties or leaders will be allowed to be part of the protest. But BJP decides to use this pseudo politician to implement their sinister plans, which can break the spirit of protesting farmers. If Hazare is sincere to the cause, he would have spoken against the farm bill while it was being passed in the Parliament. However, his exit out of the hole at this crucial juncture only proves that his political masters are pulling the strings of his play.

Anna was instrumental in bringing down the UPA government with his staunch demand for a Lokpal bill. Six years since BJP came to power, the Lokpal bill has been untouched, and Anna Hazare is perfectly fine with the corruption happening in the country.

Anna Hazare is a perfect fit for the scheme RSS is bidding for. In 2011, RSS supremo Mohan Bhagwat had openly stated that the anti-corruption movement by Anna Hazare was suggested by the Swayamsevaks. In turn, Hazare had spilled the beans when he said that BJP benefitted from his movement.

Anna Hazare is well known for his anti-Dalit and anti-Muslim views. The Dalits in his village Ralegan Siddhi were forced to turn vegetarians by his movement. And he had the heart to praise the then Gujarat CM Narendra Modi even after the targeted massacre of Muslims. Now, Anna has decided to target farmers who are giving sleepless nights to the Government.

Hope farmers don't fall for his tantrums and keep him away at a pole length.

The opinion piece is written by Lt Cdr. Gokul Chandran (R)

The NationWide