Mollywood superstar Mohanlal has received the first shot of the Covid-19 vaccine at Amrita Hospital in Kochi. The hospital shared the news on their Twitter page along with pictures of the actor receiving the shot, which have gone viral. "Superstar #Mohanlal received his first dose of #COVID #Vaccine today at #AmritaHospital, Kochi. He urged everyone to follow the government's advice and get vaccinated. He said the drive will surely help individuals, families, and the society at large in the fight against COVID," reads the tweet.
The actor in his tweet wrote, “Took the First Shot of Covid Vaccine from Amrita Hospital. I thank GOI ,companies which are producing the Vaccine & the Medical fraternity, including hospitals, for the assistance in d Vaccination Drive.”
Mohanlal who is on a high with the success of his latest release Drishyam 2 has recently wrapped the shoot of Aaraattu. The 60-year-old who is set to make his directorial debut with Barozz, a big-budget 3D fantasy project that would reportedly feature an international cast, found himself in hot soup recently when he posted a Women’s Day wish with words from the ancient text Manusmriti, which is said to be anti-feminist.
India opened up Covid-19 vaccination for a larger group of beneficiaries on March 1. All citizens above 60 and those within the age bracket of 45 to 59 years with specified co-morbidities are the beneficiaries of this second phase of the vaccination drive.