Bollywood star Sunny Leone, who is currently staying in Kerala with her family, seems to be having a good time. The actress is in the capital city for the shoot of MTV’s show Splitsvilla. The family looked stunning dressed in Kerala traditional attire. While Sunny looked resplendent in a Kerala sari and long braided hair decorated with jasmines, her husband, Daniel Weber, was dressed in kurta and dhoti. Their daughter, Nisha, wore a kasavu pattuvada and their two sons were dressed in shirts and dhotis.
Pictures of the family were shared by Poovar Island Resort. Images of the family relishing a Kerala sadhya was also shared by the resort, in which Sunny and her family are staying.
Sunny and Daniel marked Valentine’s Day with a difference this year. The couple, who completed a decade of being together this year, decided to refresh their wedding vows on the day. In a video shared by Sunny on Instagram, the couple exchanged varmalas. She wrote: "An amazing Valentine's. We have been through so much together and this last year a tough one but through it all you still are the man of my dreams come true and I am so lucky you are a part of my life. You are a great man, partner, husband, and father! Happy Valentine’s Day baby!"
A musician, Daniel’s band The Disparrows, released a new song Sorry on February 14. Daniel Weber's band, The Disparrows, was founded by him with bassist Stephen Tecci in 2010. Their new track Sorry will be from their third album, Wasting Time. Talking about the inspiration behind his song, Daniel Weber revealed that it is inspired by our acts of saying hurtful things to our partners in the heat of the moment without realizing the consequences.
Meanwhile, Sunny is gearing up for multiple projects. The actress, who has been shooting for her upcoming web show Anamika, is also busy as host for reality show Splitsvilla 13. She has been hosting the show since Season 7 of the show.