Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi is set to work with Prithviraj again. Vivek, who made his Mollywood debut in Prithviraj’s directorial debut Lucifer, will be playing the role of the antagonist in Shaji Kailas’ Kaduva. Vivek’s role of Bobby in Lucifer was well received amongst the masses.
Touted as a mass action entertainer, Kaduva has Prithviraj and Samyukta Menon in lead roles. The film sees Shaji Khailas working with Prithviraj again after Simhasanam in 2012. Kaduva is reportedly based on the life of a real-life character, Kadavukunnel Kuruvachan, a Kottayam-based planter. The film is scripted by Jinu Abraham and Abhinandan Ramanujam weilds the lens. Jakes Bejoy is the music composer for the film. Award-winning costume designer Sameera Saneesh is also part of the crew. The first schedule of shooting for the film has started at Mundakkayam last week.
Prithviraj recently took to his official social media pages and shared his look as Kaduvakunnel Kuruvachan, the central character. He looks intense in the mass hero avatar in the still, which has been going viral on social media.
Kaduva is produced by Listin Stephen and Supriya Menon, under the banner Magic Frames and Prithviraj Sukumaran Productions. Kaduva is a comeback movie for director Shaji Kailas, whose last directorial venture in Malayalam was the 2013 movie, Ginger.