The death of Tamil actor and comedian Vivekh has plunged the southern film fraternity into mourning. The beloved comedian was admitted to a Chennai hospital on Friday after suffering a cardiac arrest and breathed his last on Saturday morning.
According to reports, the 59-year-old actor fainted on Friday morning following which his family rushed him to SIMS Hospital at Vadapalan. The hospital said in a bulletin that the actor was revived and "underwent Emergency Coronary Angiogram, followed by angioplasty”. The hospital put Vivekh on Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygen (EMCO) support in the ICU.
Vivekh has starred alongside several superstars in several blockbuster films. Apart from acting, Vivekh was also a playback singer and a social activist. For his contribution to the film industry and arts, the Government of India awarded Vivekh the Padma Shri in 2009.
The actor's passing away has broken several hearts in the Industry. Superstar Rajinikanth, Vivekh’s co-star Sivaji and Uzhaippali, grieved over the actor’s death. Rajini took to Twitter to condole Vivekh’s death. He wrote, “The passing away of Chinnakalaivanar, social worker and my dear close friend Vivekh is very painful. Every day I spent with him during the filming of Sivaji are unforgettable days in my life. My condolences to the bereaved family. Let his soul rest in peace.”
Kamal Hassan wrote, "An actor's duty does not end with acting, friend Vivekh believed he needed to do something beyond for society and he did. Vivekh was a believer in APJ Abdul Kalam's high ideals and a green warrior, his death is a huge loss."
AR Rahman, Prakash Raj, Prithviraj Sukumaran, R Madhavan, among others also paid tribute to the late actor-comedian. Vivekh is survived by his wife and two daughters.