Days after the woman allegedly involved in a Karnataka sex-for-job CD scandal, pleaded the state government to provide her with safety, her parents filed a complaint on Tuesday night at Belagavi's APMC police station in Bengaluru stating that she has been kidnapped and that her life is in danger. As per reports, the police have registered a case under IPC sections 363, 368, 343, 346, 354 and 506 based on the complaint lodged by the woman's father.
Meanwhile, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the case involving former Karnataka minister Ramesh Jarkiholi has intensified its search for the woman in the video and two other suspects involved in the case.
The woman on Sunday had posted a video on social media, in which she urges the Karnataka government to provide protection to her. In the video, she also claimed that she and her parents had attempted to kill themselves multiple times.
She also claimed that she attempted suicide.
She was heard saying in the video, “I don’t know how and what they did with the video. I have already been stripped of my dignity everywhere. People from my area are coming home every day and questioning me and my parents. My parents tried to kill themselves twice. I, too, tried to kill myself three to four times.”
She claimed that no one is helping her and she has no “political support”. She accused Jarkiholi again saying that he “promised me a job and did everything and released the video.” She added, “I don’t have any protection. All that I am asking for is my security.”
Following the release of the woman’s video seeking protection, Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai had directed the SIT, probing the case, to provide her security
Karnataka State Women’s Commission chairperson R Pramila Naidu said that the commission is ready to provide protection to the woman if she approaches them.
Karnataka minister Ramesh Jarkiholi tendered his resignation on March 3 as the Water Resources Minister in the BS Yediyurappa-led BJP government after charges of sexual harassment were brought against him.
Jarkiholi has been caught in a major scandal when a sex tape capturing him in a compromising position with a woman broke out. When the news had initially emerged, Jarkiholi claimed that the video was “forged” and that he would quit politics if proven guilty.
He submitted his resignation under pressure and said that he was doing it on “moral grounds”.