A family in Rajasthan celebrated the birth of a girl child in their family with pomp. Not only was the child brought home in a helicopter, she was also welcomed with bhajans and a street strewn with rose petals. A video of the family onboard the helicopter with the baby girl is going viral on social media. The ride is estimated to have cost them around Rs 4.5 lakh. According to reports, the family managed to arrange the amount by selling their crops.
The child, named Riya, was born to Hanuman Prajapat and Chuki Devi last month. Riya is the first girl child to be born in her father’s household in 35 years. “Usually people do not celebrate the birth of a girl. There should be no discrimination between a girl and a boy. I will make my daughter study and fulfil all her dreams,” said Hanuman. He said that it was his father Madanlal Kumar’s idea to celebrate the birth of his granddaughter in style.
Madanlal said there are still people in the society who are disappointed at the birth of a girl child in the family. “But I feel that daughters are far better than sons,” said Madanlal.
"I had already decided 10 years ago that when a daughter is born in my household, she will be given a grand welcome and she will be brought by a helicopter. My family has started this practice and I hope that now other people of the village and society will also take inspiration and celebrate the birth of their daughters," he added.
Madanlal, who decided to bring the girl home in a helicopter, took permission from the district collector for the same, as well as to build helipads both in the child’s maternal and paternal villages. The 30 km distance between the two villages was covered in about 20 minutes via copter. The little girl’s father Hanuman Ram Prajapat took his daughter in his arms and deboarded the helicopter amid the cheering of crowds.
Video courtesy: @sandeep_dahiyaa