In a shocking incident, a woman was arrested three years after she killed and buried her husband under a tree in her backyard in Tamil Nadu. The incident took place at Tenkashi. Reportedly, she killed her husband when he restricted her from living with her boyfriend.
According to reports, the victim Kaliraj from Tenkashi's Kuthukal village was married to a woman named Abhirami four years ago. It was the second marriage of the both. Three years ago, Kaliraj suddenly disappeared and Abhirami told everyone that Kaliraj had left the country. Later, Kaliraj's mother approached the police stating that her son was missing.
Meanwhile, Abhirami started to live with a friend of Kaliraj. When Abhirami was questioned following the mother's complaint, it was reportedly learned that Kaliraj was strangled to death and buried under a tree in the backyard.
The remaining bones were recovered during excavation and Abhirami's arrest was recorded after a DNA test confirmed that the bones belonged to Kaliraj. Her boyfriend, who was involved in the murder, and two friends who had helped her were also arrested.