In a shocking incident, a teacher couple beheads their two daughters as part of witchcraft at Shiv Nagar near Madanapalle in Andhra Pradesh. The incident took place on Sunday night. V Padmaja and her husband Dr V Purushotham Naidu, both natives of Chittoor, killed their children Alekhya and Sai Divya by hitting some sharp objects like a dumbbell, say police.
On Sunday, the incident took place at their home. The couple claims that they sacrificed their daughters as the Kali Yuga was going to end and they would be reborn at the beginning of Satya Yuga following a ‘god man’s advice.’
According to neighbours, the couple had behaved strangely after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The neighbours informed the police that they heard some strange noises from the couple’s house. Initially, the couple did not allow the police to enter the house, but when the police forcibly entered, they found the girls dead in the pooja room. Reportedly, the girls were bludgeoned to death by the mother and stabbed with a Trishul. The bodies were naked and had a red sari draped on them.
With great difficulty, the police were able to body out of the house and the police have taken the couple into custody for interrogating.
V Padmaja, a post-graduate in Mathematics and also a gold medallist, while Dr V Purushotham Naidu is an Associate Professor of Chemistry. Their eldest daughter 27-year-old Alekhya is an MBA graduate, while the youngest daughter 21-year-old Sai Divya has completed her BBA and is currently a student of AR Rahman Music School in Mumbai. The investigation is underway.