According to reports, a tuition teacher in Jalandhar marries her 13-year-old student to ward off 'Manglik dosha' in her 'Kundli.' The woman informed the police that her family was tensed since she was not getting married due to a 'Manglik dosha' pointed out by a priest. She married the minor boy following the priest's suggestion to get rid of the dosha.
The victim, who was also the student of the woman, was chosen as the groom. Later, the teacher informed the victim's parents that he needs to stay at her home for a week for tuitions. After a week, the boy returned home and narrated the incident. Following this, the parents filed a complaint at the Basti Bawa Khel Police Station.
According to the complaint filed by the victim's parents, the teacher's family forcibly performed marriage rituals, which even included the Haldi-mehndi ceremony and 'suhagrat' (wedding night). Later, by breaking the bangles, the teacher was declared a widow.
Reportedly, the victim's family withdraw the complaint following pressure from the accused woman's family. However, the police official confirmed that they had received a complaint, but the same was withdrawn later based on a compromise between the two parties. The senior police officers have ordered an investigation considering the seriousness of the incident.