25-year-old youth mercilessly hammers brother and mother to death over 'depression' in Ajmer

On Thursday, the incident took place in Bhinai town, where the accused hammers his mother and younger brother to death
For representation purpose
For representation purpose

A 25-year-old youth hammers his mother and younger brother to death in Bhinai, Ajmer. The accused was identified as Amachand Jangid. He even had plans to kill his father and three more brothers present at the house, but due to the mess following the incident, other family members and neighbours came and he escaped from the scene, said police.

However, he was later arrested from Jabarkiya village. On Thursday, the incident took place in Bhinai town. Jangid, the accused, was preparing for the REET examination in Jaipur. According to reports, the exam was postponed for two years and he was in search of a job. However, he was not able to secure a job due to Coronavirus.

On this background, he returned along with a younger son to Bhinai where his parents were staying. A day before the incident, even his three other brothers too reached the town.

According to police, Jangid came out of his room, turned the power off and locked the main gate from inside at 2:30 am on Thursday. He then took an iron hammer and went straight into his mother Kamala's room and hit her on the head. She immediately died due to the attack. Then, the accused went to his other brother Shivraj and hacked him to death. The victims were in deep sleep when he attacked them.

After hearing some commotion, Jangid's father Ramdhan woke up and found that his son along with a hammer rushing to the room where his three other brothers were sleeping. However, he called out his three other sons, who woke up and restricted Jangid. Hearing the cry for help, neighbours rushed to the house. Seeling the people who tried to control him, he just fled from the crime scene.

Prima facie, the cause of the incident is not clear. However, police believe that the accused killed them under depression, but said that they will look into the cause of the crime.

The NationWide