Mumbai Police shared a graphic to remind citizens to wear a mask and sanitise hands frequently in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The post features Saitama, an animated character from the Japanese manga series One-Punch Man, in a face mask and with a bottle of sanitiser in his hands. One-Punch Man is about a superhero named Saitama and his disciple Genos.
“Join the ‘Hero Association’! Wear your mask and sanitise your hands to 'Punch' out the monstrous virus. #MumbaiHeroAssociation #TakingOnCorona,” Mumbai Police said in the caption of their post, which has gone viral on social media.
Meanwhile, if you are active on social media, chances are you might have seen several videos of people taking up the Rasputin challenge – people sharing videos of themselves dancing to Boney M’s Rasputin. The Kerala Police recently shared an advisory under the trend, which has gone viral.
In order to spread awareness among the people on the need to get vaccinated against the novel coronavirus, the Kerala Police has posted an animated video of Covaxin and Covishield vials shanking their legs to the beat of the song on their social media handle.
“Get vaccinated from nearest vaccination centre…crush the curve…back to basics,” said the video’s caption.