Assam Health and Education Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma told media persons today that the state plans to open elementary classes from January 1 onwards in stages. He has added that the detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) will be released later. This decision follows the minister’s claim that the Covid-19 situation in the state is under control.
He told media persons that Assam currently has 3,350 actives cases and 981 fatalities, but the situation has improved. Earlier, this month, Assam had restarted offline education for students from classes VI and above.
The state government had issued an odd-even system to minimise risk. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays will be open for classes VI, VII, IX, and XII, and Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for classes VIII, X, and XI. However, all students will require written consent from parents to attend school.
In today’s press conference, Biswa Sarma had added the government would also be allowing the opening of hostels from December 15 for final year college students and residential schools for classes XI and XII. However, the implementation will be done in a limited manner. Precautionary measures will have to be taken before the same can be allowed. The rooms need to be sanitised and students will have to take a Covid-19 test before getting in.