Malappuram police have arrested Youth League activist Yaser Edappal following a complaint filed by minister KT Jaleel alleging that Yasser had insulted him through social media. Yaser Edappal, who was working abroad, was arrested at the Nedumbassery airport when he returned by the Changaramkulam police. However, he was released later on bail.
Earlier, minister KT Jaleel's move to deport Yasser had created a row of controversy.
While interacting with a media organisation, KT Jaleel said that he was not interested in contesting the Assembly elections this time. He said that he had informed the party that he wishes to return to teaching, but the CPM leadership wanted him to contest. He even said that UDF's Firoz Kunnamparampil is not seen as a big opponent and charity should not be branded.
Meanwhile, earlier, a complaint was filed against KT Jaleel alleging the intervention of the minister to regularize an unauthorized appointment of a college teacher. The complaint alleged that Jaleel directed the Vice-Chancellor of Kerala University to appoint a Latin language teacher of St Xavier's College, Thumpa as an English teacher. Save University filed the complaint demanding the withdrawal of Jaleel's order to the Kerala Governor.
Also in 2018, Minister for Minorities Affairs KT Jaleel had created another controversy by appointing his relative Adeeb KT as the General Manager in the Minority Development Finance Corporation, claiming that his relative was the ‘most qualified’ among many candidates that applied for the post. As the issue began gaining traction, Adeeb resigned from the post.