The United Democratic Front’s Aishwarya Kerala Yatra — led by Opposition Leader Ramesh Chennithala— has moved from Kasargod to Kannur. In their journey, the rally visited Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s constituency Dharmadom, where Ramesh addressed a lack of development in the locality. “The complete failure of Pinarayi Vijayan is visible. The CM has not been able to make sure that all Primary Health Center have the necessary infrastructure. There is not even a new initiative, which can give employment to even a single person. The construction of new block in Pinarayi panchayat has not even been started,” he said.
Moving towards Thalasseri to Panoor and Peravoor, the Opposition Leader alleged that there is an “unholy nexus” between the BJP and left government. “CPM is hand in glove with BJP. The SNC Lavalin case in which Pinarayi Vijayan was an accused has been extended indefinitely. The connivance between BJP and CPM is now out in open,” he said. Ramesh also added that another evidence to the nexus is the halt in the gold smuggling investigation after Pinarayi Vijayan had written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, demanding the same.
Moving towards Thillenkery, the opposition Leader met with Gandhian Raja Gopal, discussing with the latter about securing land for the landless members of the Adivasi community. “He [Raja Gopal] has led foot marches to persuade the government to meet the demands of the poor. I have always been inspired by the unrelenting efforts of Rajaji for the underprivileged and downtrodden,” Ramesh added.
Meanwhile, large groups of people had gathered in support of the Yatra at different locations, and this has invited criticisms from various quarters. A few have alleged that the people gathering at such events rarely follow Covid-19 protocols including wearing masks and maintaining social distancing. Recently, hundreds of people had gathered in an Adalat organised in Alappuzha where a few state ministers had participated. According to sources, many of those gathered at the event had violated several Covid protocols including wearing masks and maintaining proper distance.