Police find more clues in actor’s sexual harassment at Kochi mall; Commission to take her statement

While the CCTV visuals identify the persons behind it, the police is yet to pinpoint them as they didn’t give their numbers at the mall
Police find more clues in actor’s sexual harassment at Kochi mall; Commission to take her statement

Following the Instagram post by a young Mollywood actor saying that she was sexually harassed, the State Women’s Commission has taken cognisance of the event and urged the Kerala police to start an investigation. However, despite a day has gone by and CCTV visual identifying the perpetrators, the police have not yet been able to nab anyone.

According to sources, the police have identified the perpetrators and the places they have gone to from the mall in Kochi, the officials have hit a slight block. Since the perpetrators were wearing masks, it is difficult to find out who they are, and they didn’t provide any number at the mall before entering.

Initial police investigation believed that the perpetrators arrived at the mall via a private vehicle. However, the latest investigation point to the fact that they arrived and left via the metro service to Muttam. The police are looking into more CCTV visuals near the area to pinpoint their location. Meanwhile, the Women’s Commission has said that they would be taking the actor’s statements today.

Police find more clues in actor’s sexual harassment at Kochi mall; Commission to take her statement
You take away our safety: Kerala actor pens emotional note on her sexual harassment at a Kochi mall

On Thursday night, the actor took to Instagram and wrote a note that one of the two men grazed her back while she was inside the hypermarket at the mall. “Because it caught me off guard, I couldn’t react immediately. I wanted to give him the benefit of a doubt but you know when something is just not right, you feel it,” she wrote.

Although the actor thought she had imagined it at first, her sister witnessed the incident too. The actor, who went blank for a minute trying to process the situation tried to confront the men but they disregarded her. “Though I made sure that they knew that I understood what had happened, I was still so angry because I couldn’t say anything,” the actor said.

Though she tried to confront the men, they disregarded her and went off. Following this, the men again stalked her and tried to strike a conversation. In the moving note, she urges women to confront such issues appropriately.

“Being a woman has been very tiring, to be on guard every minute as you step out of your house. To watch my clothes when I bend and turn; to guard my chest with my arms in a crowd. Moreover, on the days I’m home, I worry about my mother, my sister, my friends who have to do the same things. It is all because of these sick men. You take away our safety. You take away our comfort and the joy of our womanhood. I despise you,” the actor wrote.

The NationWide