According to reports, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan will visit Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan to submit the resignation of his Cabinet today. Also, according to reports, the swearing-in of Pinarayi Vijayan as the Kerala Chief Minister for the second time is likely to take place on May 7 or 10.
The Governor will accept the resignation and ask the Cabinet to function as caretaker till the next Cabinet takes charge. Also, the Election Commission has to declare and announce the winners of the Kerala Assembly elections. The announcement will happen on Tuesday.
The procedure includes the LDF will have to select their Chief Minister and inform the same Governor who will invite him to form the Cabinet. However, in the wake of emerging Covid-19 cases, the state government has strictly imposed restrictions from May 4 to 9. Hence, in that case, it is more likely that the swearing in to happen on May 10. However, no official confirmation has come out yet.
In a historic victory, the ruling Pinarayi government rode back to power for the second term. The LDF won 99 out of 140 seats in the Kerala Assembly elections bucking the four-decade-long trend of Communists and Congress-led UDF coming to power alternatively.
The election result was a huge blow to the opposition, which was hoping to regain power. However, it could amass only 41 seats, while BJP lost the battle. Pinarayi Vijayan won the election by a huge margin of 50, 123 votes.