In a shocking incident in Kerala, police arrested a 24-year-old for drowning her three-and-a-half-month old baby girl in a bucket of water in Kundara at Kollam on Tuesday. According to the officials, Divya’s husband, who runs an Ayurveda clinic in Chittumala, returned to the shop after having lunch in the afternoon. The incident took place when no one was present at the home. During that time, Divya drowned the child after the baby began to cry.
When the child’s grandfather, who is an autorickshaw driver, returned home and asked Divya to open the door of her room, she refused. However, later, when the door was finally opened, they found the body of the lifeless child. They immediately rushed the child to the Kundara Taluk Hospital, but doctors could not save the child. The child’s body was shifted to Kollam Medical College Hospital.
The relatives claim that Divya was mentally disturbed after giving birth and had even tried to commit suicide once. The family had appointed a helper to take care of the child. However, a few days ago, Divya told her father that she is feeling better and she doesn’t need the support of a helper.