Kerala woman rams car into electric post upon hearing that she is Covid positive

The 108 ambulance and the fire force refused to take her to the hospital
Kerala woman rams car into electric post upon hearing that she is Covid positive

A 40-year-old woman, who panicked upon the hearing the news that she was Covid positive, accidently rammed her car into an electric post in Kollam. According to reports, the woman who managed to escape with minor injuries had to get out of her overturned car on her own. The 108 ambulance is said to have refused to take her to the hospital. The fire force who reached the spot, gave her a PPE kit. She had to wait at the accident site for a relative to pick her up as the fire force said that they had no provision to use the fire ambulance to take the patient to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Kerala government has announced fresh restrictions to curb the spread of the novel Coronavirus. The following measures have been announced by the State Government following the surge in Covid-19 cases.

“Restaurants and hotels will be closed at 9 pm and any public event can’t go on for more than two hours. Mega shopping festivals and other big events will not be allowed till further notice. Public feasts will not be allowed and in hotels, the capacity will be restricted to 50% only. Social distancing and masking will be implemented with full force and cops have been instructed accordingly,” said a state government spokesman.

At the recently-concluded assembly election, Covid-19 safety norms were ignored by almost all political parties and health officials dread another rise in cases in the coming days. Hospital admissions have also seen a surge in the past week. Health ministry officials warn of a shortage of ICU beds if the situation continues.

Last week, chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan and former CM Oommen Chandy tested positive for the virus and both are recuperating.

The NationWide