Taking a U-turn on his decision, Kerala lone BJP MLA said that what he said during his assembly speech is his opinion on the farm laws. He also hit out at Assembly Speaker P Sreeramakrishnan for protocol violation. The BJP MLA’s stance had put the state BJP in a tough situation, but now Rajagopal has seemed to reverse the position via a press release, but he was not able to control the damage.
In his assembly speech, the BJP MLA had supported the three bills, adding that the laws would protect farmers. He added that the state’s accusation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi not meeting with farmers is false. “The PM is willing to talk with protesting farmers regarding the three bills, but the farmers refuse to talk without a decision to unconditionally withdraw them,” he said. However, in his speech, he doesn’t verbally say that he is against the resolution and when the Speaker asks for the ayes and nays, Rajagopal raises his hand.
The BJP MLA alleges in a press release that the Speaker did not differentiate between the aye and nay question, which is a violation of protocol. “I have strongly opposed the Kerala assembly’s resolution against the Centre’s farm bills. My position is evident from the speech I made at the assembly. I am not opposing the Centre and neither am I opposing the farm bills,” the release says.
In the press meet after the session, Rajagopal said that he had expressed his difference of opinion regarding certain aspects of the resolution, but he claimed that he accepts it in the democratic spirit. “I had my difference with certain aspects of the resolution, and I expressed it during the session. However, I didn’t vote against the resolution since it is part of the public consensus,” he said. When asked if the three farm bills passed by the Centre should be withdrawn, the MLA said, “I agree. However, I wouldn’t face any problem with the party, as I am expressing my opinion and it is part of the democratic spirit.”