The Delhi High Court has issued a warning that it will “hang” anyone obstructing oxygen supply during the hearing of a plea by Delhi’s Maharaja Agrasen Hospital over shortage of oxygen.
The Delhi High Court Bench of Justices Vipin Sanghi and Rekha Palli observed that if any central, state or local administration official is obstructing the supply of oxygen, it would “hang” that person. The Bench added that it will not spare anyone obstructing the oxygen supply to hospitals.
The HC has been unhappy with the handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic by the Centre. The High Court has issued a notice to the Delhi government and Central government regarding oxygen shortage on Friday. The Delhi government told the High Court that the health care system will “collapse” if it does not get 480 metric tonnes of oxygen. “When will Delhi get 480 metric tonnes? Please tell us that,” the HC asked the central government.
The Delhi HC’s observation comes at a time when nearly 45 Covid-19 patients died waiting for oxygen supply in two hospitals in Delhi. Reportedly, 20 patients died at Delhi’s Jaipur Golden Hospital due to lack of oxygen. Also, nearly 200 people are in critical condition at the hospital. On Friday, around 25 Covid-19 patients died at the Gangaram Hospital in Delhi due to lack of oxygen.
High Court slammed the Centre for being oblivious to the ground reality and its handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The High Court expressed “shock and dismay” and ordered the Centre to ensure oxygen supply for hospitals. “The citizen can only fall back on the state. It is the responsibility of the government. Beg, borrow, or steal, it is your job,” the High Court said during a hearing. “How is the government so oblivious to the ground reality? You cannot have people die because of no oxygen. You take your own sweet time and people die,” the HC added.
On Saturday, India reported 3.46 lakh fresh cases, taking the country's caseload to 1.66 crore. Around 2,624 deaths were also recorded. Also, Delhi and Maharashtra recorded the highest ever number of deaths in a single day. In the last 24 hours, Maharashtra recorded 773 Covid linked deaths while Delhi marked 348 deaths.